
Africa – Travel Destination Guides

Traveling to Africa is such an adventure and this continent should be for sure on your travel bucket list.

It is a beautiful continent with amazing countries, cultures and people. South Africa is on the top of our travel wish list and we hope we will go there soon! I also want to go to Egypt again and explore the beauty of the underwaterworld there because we heard nothing but good things about it.

You can spend awesome days at the beach, participating in a Safari in the Desert, exploring the famous pyramids in Cairo, dive into the beautiful underwaterworld or just relax and enjoy your free time. Go our and find yourself!

A vacation is always a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends, calm down and fill up your energy and explore new places.

What are your holiday experience in Africa? Do you have a favorite country there you would want to share with us? We would love to hear your stories and get some inspiration for our next adventures.